
Coral Tissue Growth Support | Aids in Post-Propagation Recovery

A dry blend of specific marine protein precursors, immunostimulant compounds, feeding stimulants, and seventeen critical free-form amino acids provided in a specific ratio to encourage cell growth and robustness in anthozoans.
Purchasing Options
Reef Blueprint (packaged in sizes suited to systems ≤500 gallons)
Captiv8 Aquaculture (larger systems, commercial, academic, research, zoological)
Keep out of reach of children and unauthorized persons. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Store in a cool, dry location away from sunlight.
A dry blend of specific marine protein precursors, immunostimulant compounds, feeding stimulants, and seventeen critical free-form amino acids provided in a specific ratio to encourage cell growth and robustness in anthozoans. Prolifer8 is intended to be applied as a supplement to particulate feeds dispersed into recirculating marine ecosystems housing anthozoans. Prepare as directed, and apply as necessary. Monitor system nutrient levels following application. Modify usage as required.
Dry blend does not require refrigeration, however it should be stored in a dry location below 80°F. If maintained sealed when not in use and kept free of moisture and contaminants, contents remain viable for up to 10 years. Proven in commercial coral culture systems.
Preparation: In a clean vessel, mix with system water at the ratio of 1 g Prolifer8 to 30 mL (1 fl. oz.) water. Allow dry components to saturate and disperse completely into water. Use mixture within 24 hours.
Target application: Using a pipette, disperse the desired volume of the mixture 2”- 3” upcurrent from specimen(s). Recommended is 1 - 4 mL of the mixture per mature specimen daily, or as desired.
Broadcast application: Disperse desired volume of mixture into pump exhaust(s) such that the mixture will be circulated throughout the cohort grow out area. Stocking density in system dictates the volume of the mixture to be applied, however a sensible starting point is 1 fl. oz. of the mixture per 4 sq. ft. of area colonized by anthozoan culture.
Frequency of application: If using as a general aid in coral tissue growth, then application of small volumes of the solution every 2 - 4 days yields superior results to lower-frequency, higher volume application. Monitor and adjust nutrient concentrations to achieve desired cohort appearance and growth rate. Recommended is to apply the solution using an automated dosing system, with dosing taking place while the cohort is illuminated ≥60% maximum daily intensity.
Ingredient Statement: Proprietary blend of marine protein precursors, immunostimulant compounds, feeding stimulants, and seventeen critical free-form amino acids. This formulation does not incorporate: preservatives; pH-modifying components; food colors; fillers; emulsifiers.
Maximum effectiveness is achieved within 60 months of manufacture date. This formulation does not incorporate preservatives, however refrigeration is not required. Unused contents of container should be protected from exposure to atmospheric moisture and other contaminants.
Dosing rate should be in proportion to stocking density. Recommended is to begin with 1 g per 30 mL solution, applied to 20 sq ft of cohort growing area, per day, observing appearance of cohort members during this period. Thereafter, modify the amount used per unit system volume as requirements appear to dictate, limiting any increase in dosage to 20% weekly. Regular application of Prolifer8 will result in increased nutrient uptake; monitor DIN levels and do not permit nitrate to fall below 5 ppm.
Frequent (i.e. daily) application of very small volumes of the solution yields superior results to lower-frequency, higher volume application. Monitor and adjust nutrient concentrations to achieve desired cohort appearance and growth rate. Recommended is to apply the solution using an automated dosing system, with dosing occurring during the period in which the light intensity is ≥60% maximum intensity.
Notice: It is not possible to eliminate all risks associated with the use, handling, or storage of this product. Ineffectiveness, injury to crops and/or livestock, or other unintended consequences may result due to factors outside the control of Captiv8 Aquaculture or the seller. Buyer or user shall assume all such risks. For details, go to Terms and Conditions. Consult SDS before use.
Disclaimer: Captiv8 Aquaculture warrants that this product conforms to the description, and is reasonably fit for the purposes described, on its label. In no event shall Captiv8 Aquaculture or the seller be held liable for any incidental, consequential, or special damages, loss, or injury, including, without limiting, lost profits, resulting from the use or handling of this product. The exclusive remedy of the buyer or user for all claims shall be the return of the purchase price of this product. Express and implied warranties are disclaimed. Captiv8 Aquaculture does not authorize any agent or representative to make any other warranty, guarantee, or representation concerning this product.
For sale by Captiv8 Aquaculture and its authorized dealers, only.